Another year has come to a close; to be honest, I drafted an entire "2010" post, but I decided against it when rereading it as it seemed to be too cliche and sappy. I'm at place as an English student, I love my friends, blah blah blah, I've changed as a person but only slightly, snore.
If anything that 2010 produced, it was this blog, my baby, Haus of Matt. What began as a silly idea one August day with two readers became something much larger, what with regular readers and even readers in other countries than mine. A lot has changed; the blog has undergone a face lift, and if you were to go back and read some of my first entries I'm sure you'd find a definite change in thematic material but especially my writing style. I'm proud of my feat, keeping this up regularly. In all honesty, I makes my day when people tell me how they love reading my posts or how they laugh at what I have to say or how they marvel at my writing abilities. Nothing else makes me as happy as being complimented to my face; do so, and you'll make my day! (do it today and you'll make my year, haha) For the upcoming year, trust that I'll be keeping up with my writing here; it's become too important for me to stop.
What do I have to look forward in 2011? Well, not much. I suppose come April I'll officially be half way through completing my university degree - that's wild, huh? Come May 18th I'll be half way to 40. Yikes. Early 2011 I'll begin my ridiculous obsession with Lady Gaga's new album, Born This Way, and I'll likely never listen to any other music again for the rest of the year. Next summer, I'll likely explode due to being such a nerd, as there's a massive amount of new superhero movies coming out - I can't WAIT for X-Men: First Class, not to mention the final Harry Potter.
On a personal level.. I'm not able to come up with any New Year's resolutions. There isn't much I need to change about my life - I don't have many bad habits, let alone habits that hinder my well being. Maybe it's just a sign of how comfortable I am with how and who I am; there's nothing pressing I need to change or nothing I need to attempt doing or what have you. A few hours at the gym may not hurt.
If anything, I'm looking to keep things constant. I hope to keep in good contact with my friends, to maintain the friendships I have now and make them better than ever. I hope to keep up with my new found success in academics, and I'm sure that's more than doable.
Well, anyways. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2011, and I should only hope that I'm lucky enough to have the same!
Happy New Year Matt!